The South Island has been colonised by France and is prosperous, while the English-speaking North Island languishes far behind.
It could only happen in Dunedin. Opera and bagpipes battled for attention in the Octagon yesterday.
Fonterra's move to rail transport went without a hitch yesterday.
An old instrument of war will provide an explosion of sound in the Regent Theatre tonight.
It starts today. Otago's biggest artistic and cultural showcase bursts into life, after two years of scouring the four corners of the Earth for the best artistic talent available.
"That was amazing," Dhol Foundation founder Johnny Kalsi enthused in the Octagon yesterday.
A door to the netherworld has been left ajar, and its inhabitants are coming to visit. Nigel Benson meets artist Jo Robertson.
A group of graffiti artists has taken over the Dunedin Public Art Gallery this week.
A Dunedin hotel has won a prestigious national award less than a year after opening.
Demand is starting to outstrip supply for tickets to the 2010 Otago Festival of the Arts.
Three Dunedin artists are finalists in New Zealand's top ceramic prize, the Portage Ceramic Awards.
Anglers were smiling on the opening day of the fishing season yesterday.
"We're seeing some pretty happy faces out there," Otago Fish and Game ranger Steve Dixon said yesterday.
The Hills AM Trust has appointed a new Toroa Radio station manager.
Otago's gold heritage will be celebrated at the third Dunedin Heritage Festival, to be held next year.
Juggling is just about the only performance skill Nicholas McBryde hasn't mastered. Although he even has a crack at that every couple of years. "I've always thought organising the festival...
The Dunedin Public Art Gallery has received the best 125th birthday present possible.
The tide has turned in a desperate battle for survival at the Dunedin Chinese Garden.
A Dunedin art lover's bequest continues to benefit the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.
Applications are being invited from performance artists to participate in the 2011 Dunedin Fringe Festival.
A former Dunedin man has been named New Zealand's best bus driver.