Members of the Otago Regional Council's oil spill response team are in Tauranga to assist with the Maritime New Zealand-led efforts to contain an estimated 20-tonne slick which has leaked from the grounded container ship Rena.
International collectors may have targeted colonies of the rare peripatus invertebrate living among the dank bush in Caversham Valley, a hearings panel was told yesterday.
Accusations the New Zealand Transport Agency did not provide sufficient information to residents of Short St about a proposal to close access to Dunedin's Southern Motorway were rejected at a hearing yesterday.
A group of Short St residents has criticised the safety motives being cited as a reason for closing their Southern Motorway access as part of a proposed upgrade of State Highway 1 through the Caversham Valley.
A translocation plan to protect a rare worm from a proposed Caversham Valley highway expansion could become a preservation template for other colonies of peripatus in Dunedin and around New Zealand.
A proposed operations budget for the Otago University Students' Association has been slashed in the wake of a recent legislation change which introduced voluntary student membership (VSM) for 2012.
National MP Michael Woodhouse is being called on to cross the floor on a bill aimed at cutting mandatory membership of student associations in the wake of a video of him apparently telling students he didn't support it.
A history of car crashes on the upper section of State Highway 1 through the Caversham Valley has been cited among the main reasons for a $25 million safety upgrade of Dunedin's main route south.
A rare worm will have an "ecological" parcel of Caversham Valley land set aside as habitat which will be more than 2 times bigger than the area being taken to widen State Highway 1.
Rippa rugby enthusiasts from Dunedin's primary schools competed in their own tournament to determine which team would claim the coveted title of the best in the world, at Logan Park yesterday.
Dunedin City Council planners have recommended the Caversham Valley habitat of a rare, sightless, killer worm should be protected from a major proposed upgrade of State Highway 1.
A group of flatmates in the finals of a worst student flat competition are taking their landlord to the tenancy tribunal over the lease of the property made famous by cult Dunedin film Scarfies.
A proposed $25 million overhaul of the upper section of State Highway 1 through the Caversham Valley to improve safety and travel efficiencies on the main route south has been backed by a recommendation from Dunedin City Council planners before a public hearing next week.
Candidate nominations for student elections have hit a low and Otago University Students Association president Logan Edgar blames the poor turnout on a contentious and impending legislation change.
A spike in the thefts of road signs and equipment from streets surrounding the university and stadium has Fulton Hogan staff seething.
The best and worst sides of student flatting were contrasted in Dunedin yesterday, when several scarfie properties went up against each other to determine which will be the winner - and biggest loser - in the Next Top Flat competition.
An academic audit of the University of Otago is to be conducted by an independent body charged with scrutinising New Zealand's top tertiary institutions.
Aoraki Polytechnic has launched a review of its education priorities, which may result in hundreds of enrolled students being cut from course programmes and the loss of about 20 jobs.
A "freak" storm which left Rattray St, Dunedin, coated in a slippery white layer of hail created havoc for some motorists on the steep road yesterday evening.
A team of Otago Polytechnic automotive students raced to victory in their custom-engineered grass karts at a competition meeting in Darfield over the weekend.