To mark what would have been Janet Frame’s 100th birthday yesterday, Tūhura Otago Museum has put on a special display celebrating the late New Zealand literary figure.
After a 70-year-old man was robbed during a broad daylight road rage incident, his alleged assailant "went on a spending spree, using the victim's cash and credit cards".
Mistletoe has long been seen as one of two things - something to stand under at Christmas-time for a kiss, or a parasitic plant that grows on other trees.
Dunedin is set to play host to a futuristic, post-human world set in 2530, where intricate civilisations have been built from the remnants of human artefacts and the planet has been taken over by none other than . . . Lego mini figures.
Police are amazed no-one was hurt or killed after a man led officers on a 230km high-speed pursuit across Otago, with a woman and young child on board, all while drinking and livestreaming the action to social media.
"Multiple" police officers were required to restrain and arrest a 26-year-old man who ran amok at Woolworths Dunedin Central supermarket on Wednesday night.
A woman trespassed from a Dunedin funeral home has been arrested and charged after returning to the premises and allegedly picking flowers from floral displays while abusing staff.