Serious health and safety problems faced by the country’s truck drivers are being highlighted in one of several recently-funded University of Otago research projects.
The University of Otago has increased to $200 a rebate for students who could not return to colleges of residence during the Covid-19 restrictions, but student leaders are seeking further support.
Many people want to continue working from home, at least part-time, following the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions but communication and workload issues must be addressed, a new study suggests.
The Dunedin and Otago-Southland film industry has bright growth prospects, strengthened by Covid-19-related opportunities, Film Otago Southland chairman Brad Hurndell says.
Coronavirus alert level restrictions meant a long wait before young Dunedin actor Ruby Walton knew she had won a lead role in a short film to be shot in Central Otago.
Monarch will cruise Otago Harbour again this weekend, as many Dunedin tour operators seek to restart domestic tourism after eight weeks of coronavirus restrictions.
As University of Otago’s first semester teaching nears an end, most lectures and classes are still being delivered online, as coronavirus restrictions continue.
Brightly coloured tropical butterflies are again flocking in the Otago Museum’s recently reopened Tropical Forest, after a further supply was flown in from Costa Rica.