It makes sense for rest-homes to use commercial transport like taxis when appropriate for residents, St John operations director Michael Brooke says.
Health Minister Tony Ryall's relationship with the head of the organisation locked in dispute with the Southern District Health Board has been criticised by a health board member.
Stuart McLauchlan, the man charged with monitoring the Southern District Health Board, says he was not told of legal advice in 2010 that the South Link Health (SLH) funds dispute might involve fraud.
South Link Health (SLH) says it found out through reading the Otago Daily Times that the Southern District Health Board had called in a forensic accountant over what the Dunedin-based independent practitioner association believed until this week was a commercial dispute.
More than 3800 Southland Hospital mammograms have been lost in a Southern District Health Board IT failure.
A software accounting error that under-calculated Southern District Health Board's deficit by $3.4 million was a ''oncer'', board chairman Joe Butterfield told MPs yesterday.
A Mosgiel rest-home and hospital will use more private taxi transport for non-emergency resident transport because the price gap between St John and taxi companies is now ''significant''.
A southern health row over millions of dollars has yet to be resolved, despite scrutiny from the Auditor-general's office.
A disabled Dunedin man says he was left to fend for himself when his support agency did not send a reliever to cover a carer's illness.
Just under half of Otago Polytechnic's nursing graduates from last year have found jobs.
A planned Dunedin study into whether fluoridated water reduces IQ has been shelved.
The violin that played on the battlefields of World War 1 and is displayed in a Dunedin school will feature in a television series.
A Dunedin landlord taking part in a national warrant of fitness trial for rental properties says the checks could become mandatory, so being involved at the start is a chance to provide feedback and iron out any issues.
Outram Flower Show convener Daphne Macfarlane with one of the dahlias in her Outram garden as she prepares for the annual flower show this Friday.
Prominent Dunedin identities are among characters in a dementia documentary play to be performed this year.
The Highlanders-University of Otago rugby sponsorship deal could draw on the strengths of Dunedin brain research, and make the sport safer, two Otago University academics suggested yesterday.
Schemes to enhance hospital kitchen throughput were put on hold to make way for the ''big grand scheme'' of centralised food production, but no-one quite knows when it will take shape, the Service and Food Workers Union says.
A group of grateful rafters have thanked Dunedin search and rescue volunteers for rescuing three of their number after a rafting trip down Lee Stream went awry last Thursday night.
Nearly 13 fulltime jobs in a sub-acute mental health ward in Dunedin will go in a plan to halve its beds from 24 to 12.
About 8% of Southern District Health Board staff are paid less than the amount deemed a ''living wage'' by fair pay advocates, new figures show.