The New Zealand Transport Agency is promising to pay for the damage to vehicles after loose chip and tar from roadworks caused a "nightmare in Mosgiel'' yesterday.
Other rural hospitals accepted the health board funding cut last year but Oamaru held out, meaning it has to take a 10% cut when its three-year contract ends, Clutha Health First (CHF) chief executive Ray Anton says.
About 50,000 care and support workers will get a pay jolt in the Budget in May if a deal can be hammered out in the next couple of weeks.
Young Paige Hughes is "blossoming'' after finishing chemotherapy treatment.
There are fears for the viability of the meals on wheels delivery system in Dunedin after reports of recipients cancelling the meals, which are now trucked frozen from Auckland and Tauranga.
Landlords who are ‘‘determined to squeeze every cent'' out of their rental properties are to blame for Dunedin's poor-quality rentals, Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull says.
Patients at Dunedin Hospital and Wakari Hospital switched to a new menu yesterday in the next step of a controversial outsourcing deal.
Four people were injured when their van hit a tree near Tuatapere in Southland this morning.
Lisa Dobson and Delwyn Short's friendship began when the pair were undergoing breast cancer treatment.
Fears the cervical screening change could pose a risk to women's health must be addressed, Labour health spokeswoman Annette King says.
Calls to a rural support trust from stressed farmers are increasing as the effects of the dairy downturn are felt.
The Southern District Health Board says it has made its "final statements'' on the $11,000 digital device bill incurred by a senior clinician, and it will not answer more questions.
Hocken Library curator of archives Anna Blackman (left) receives donated historical effects belonging to 19th century businessman Henry Tewsley, handed over yesterday by his great-great-granddaughter Ally McBride (nee Coxhead), of Wellington.
An ‘‘amazing'' fundraising night has saved the Dunedin Community Learning Centre from closure, chairwoman Chris Thompson says.
Three "responsible and respectable'' medical students have been unable to find a house together because of Queenstown's housing crisis.
A fascination with the outdoors fostered as a child led to a prestigious career as a geologist in the United States for Outram-raised John Cottle. Reporter Eileen Goodwin interviewed the...
Bill Townsend is taking part in a bowls tournament on Sunday, or he could have attended the Joint Effort Sponsored Walk in Dunedin.
The decision to introduce a new cervical screening test is ‘‘premature and wrong'' and poses a risk to women's health, an editorial published today in the New Zealand Medical Journal warns.
A Clutha-Southland electorate staff member has confirmed she is in contact with police over a complaint about National MP Todd Barclay.
General practitioners lumped with extra charges at the ‘‘13th hour'' for a patient systems upgrade are seeking answers, a sector leader says.