Seafood and property have proved to be good earners for Ngai Tahu Holdings Corporation in the year ended June 30.
The Otago-Southland services industries have bounced back from months of inactivity to record strong growth in September, the BNZ-Business NZ performance of services index shows.
French-owned liquor company Pernod Ricard NZ is selling some of New Zealand's best-known wine brands to Japanese-owned Lion Nathan NZ in a deal that requires Overseas Investment Office approval.
Columba College's Re-think Green team will represent the Otago region in the national final of the Young Enterprise Scheme awards in Wellington on November 3.
Queenstown Airport has reported a substantial increase in its operating profit for the year ended June but changing regulatory requirements mean some major differences in the way the accounts are presented publicly.
Confusion and misunderstanding remains in the community about how the Dunedin City Council raises money from bonds and who buys those bonds. Business editor Dene Mackenzie unravels the issue with Craigs Investment Partners broker Chris Timms.
The issuing of a stadium investment bond to allow Otago investors a chance to support the building of the new Forsyth Barr Stadium would have made sense, financial industry insiders say.
Finance Minister Bill English is welcoming the multi-billion-dollar move by households away from borrowing and towards saving in the past two or three years.
The confusion this week over how GST is charged by utility companies illustrates some of the complexities consequent of the rate change, Deloitte Dunedin tax partner Peter Truman says.
Animation Research Ltd managing director Ian Taylor has been pitching hard to win the contract to supply 3D images for the Volvo ocean race which starts at the end of the month.
Communications and Information Technology Minister Steven Joyce has approved a variation to Telecom's operational separation undertakings, but not as originally sought by the company.
Microsoft has come to the party late, but indications are the technology giant is about to throw everything it has to try to upstage Apple, Blackberry and Google in the touch-phone market.
Revenue Minister Peter Dunne is being urged to make a clear ruling when he announces the new rules surrounding the use of loss attributing qualifying companies, or LAQCs.
Consumers appeared to try to beat the rise in GST at the start of this month by bringing forward household purchases to September, the latest electronic card transactions show.
Currency concerns continue to dominate global markets after a "toothless" International Monetary Fund failed at the weekend to get agreement on easing currency tensions.
Gen-i client manager Matt Baker was a sceptic when the iPad was first released, describing himself as "almost agnostic".
The Government is considering making PAYE a final tax, removing the need or ability of taxpayers to deal with the Inland Revenue Department, Deloitte Dunedin tax partner Peter Truman says.
The Australian dollar could reach parity with the United States currency as soon as today if a United States payrolls report, released overnight, disappoints financial markets.
Wireless internet company owner Stuart Fleming is quietly confident that his decision to provide massive amounts of free internet to The Distiller will pay dividends for him and Dunedin.
For years, Dunedin has been grappling with ways to keep its best and brightest residents in the city. As parents have watched their children leave, many not to return, much handwringing by civic and community leaders has taken place.