Weaknesses within the Otago-Southland manufacturing industries have been identified by the latest BNZ-Business NZ performance in manufacturing index results.
New Zealand taxpayers could already own an insurance company, judging by comments yesterday from Finance Minister Bill English.
Prime Minister John Key was yesterday accused of scaremongering in indicating changes to policies dear to the hearts of many New Zealanders.
Working for Families would be aimed more at lower-income families which had a greater need for assistance, Prime Minister John Key said yesterday.
Employers would look for definite signs the economy had improved before becoming too enamoured with lifting contributions to KiwiSaver, Otago-Southland Employers Association chief executive John Scandrett said yesterday.
New Zealand's financial system is more resilient and positioned to support economic growth, but still faces a volatile and uncertain environment, Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard says.
A growing perception that Act New Zealand was not achieving its aims started to worry some of the MPs who had so far relied on Rodney Hide holding Epsom to keep their seats in Parliament. ...
New Zealanders should prepare themselves for some hard times ahead, with next week's Budget likely to be the precursor of worse to come.
Greenstone Energy this morning announced it was changing the name of Shell's fuel business to Z Energy with 10 North Island sites the first to display the logo.
Finance Minister Bill English was yesterday provided with a near-perfect platform to release his cost-cutting Budget next week when the latest Government accounts were released.
Briscoe Group yesterday reported flat sales for the three months ended May 1 but better earnings thanks to stronger margins.
As Christchurch continues to experience aftershocks of significant magnitude, Gen-i South Island sales manager Paul Deavoll is tasked with keeping the city online. He tells business editor Dene Mackenzie that keeping his staff safe and secure is the key part of that job.
The savings gap between New Zealand and Australia was sure to widen further no matter what incentives the Government removed from KiwiSaver, superannuation specialist Damian Foster said yesterday.
An "appalling spring" is set to push New Zealand's lamb kill this season to its lowest level since the 1960-61 season, Beef and Lamb economic service executive director Rob Davison says.
The relatively high value of the New Zealand dollar is providing motorists with some protection from soaring petrol prices, but warnings came that a 6c a litre fall in pump prices yesterday could be the last.
Ryman Healthcare is again proving itself to be a market leader as it presses on with the development of larger villages in Tauranga and Christchurch.
Buying art online through a 3-D virtual gallery is now possible after the recent launch of Ocula, a virtual market for modern and contemporary visual art.
Dunedin-based vehicle finance company MTF has sufficient financial provisions to meet any losses associated with the February earthquake in Christchurch, managing director Angus Bradshaw says.
Long-time Dunedin financial adviser Bruce Wood last week placed two companies associated with him and his family into voluntary liquidation.
New entrants to the mobile telecommunications market have a "golden opportunity" to win market share on the back of a decision to cut fees, Massey University brand loyalty specialist Prof Malcolm Wright says.