Soaring cruise ship numbers and a multimillion-dollar increase in expenditure in Dunedin is driving an increase in employment among the city's tourism operators.
A $320,000 injection of government cash into performing arts in Dunedin has been hailed as a chance to ''really get it right'' after the demise of the Fortune Theatre.
Setting up artwork by Warren Goodwin for the iNDx Autistic Arts and Culture Aotearoa exhibition are (from left) exhibition officer Max Mollison, exhibition and creative services head Craig Scott...
Like everybody in the world, David Loughrey’s brain is full of stupid and unnecessary thoughts. Today he tries to clear them out by writing them down in one place.
Motorists have reported waits of up to 15 minutes at a Dunedin intersection as cycleway construction means traffic lights are being run from Wellington.
Work has begun to identify land and developers for about 400 new houses needed in Dunedin as plans ramp up for the city's new hospital and the population grows.
The youngest artist so far to add to Dunedin’s blossoming street art scene has taken on issues of gender identity in a work now gracing a wall in High St.
The youngest artist so far to add to Dunedin’s blossoming street art scene has taken on issues of gender identity in a work now gracing a wall in High St.