The Queenstown Lakes District Council argues seven errors of law were made when the Environment Court granted consent for a Mitre 10 Mega hardware store on the Frankton Flats.
There is an ''absolute confrontation between the developers and planners'' regarding the Pak'n Save and Mitre 10 Mega projects for the Frankton Flats, Justice John Fogarty said yesterday, and he must decide whether the granting of consent for both proposals was justified.
A Queenstown resident is concerned information about the Queenstown Lakes District Council's plans to remove several trees - including 11 eucalyptus species - along the Frankton Track is ''misleading''.
Two Southern Stampede players will be going to Turkey after being chosen to represent New Zealand at an international ice hockey tournament in Izmit, Turkey, in April.
There is agreement a double-lane bridge over the Kawarau River is necessary, but what design it should take and whether it should connect to Roberston St in Frankton is an issue in a three-day hearing which began yesterday.
A rock concert in rocky surrounds at an alpine height - so beautiful some who see it reportedly cry - is to be staged for a third year early next month.
NZSKI is short-listing and interviewing applicants for the position of Coronet Peak ski area manager, after the departure of long-time NZSki employee Hamish McCrostie in December.
Following an increase of false fire alarms in 2011 for Queenstown and Frankton, the fire service is impressed at the ''very pleasing reduction'' in 2012.
Boh Runga's advice for musicians wanting to make a living off their talent in New Zealand is to ''gig as much as they can'' - and with 17 upcoming shows as part of the Classic Hits Winery Tour she is certainly putting her own advice into practice.
Continued frustration at the one-lane Kawarau Falls Bridge near Frankton and Kelvin Heights has led to the Queenstown Lakes District Council resolving to send a letter stressing the importance of the bridge to the Minister for Transport.
New Zealanders are keeping up with a worldwide trend of 30% year-on-year growth in the use of broadband data.
Queenstown experienced a 150% rise in rainfall over normal levels and 30degC days last month.
New parking restrictions in Arrowtown and Frankton have been approved by the Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Belying Queenstown's cosmopolitan reputation, city dwellers of Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga are converging on the resort and its surrounds for cycle tours.
The White Hill wind farm near Mossburn is proving a reliable generator of electricity and turbine reliability is rated above 99% over the past three years, Meridian Energy says.
Josh Emett, of MasterChef and Rata restaurant fame, and New Zealand's only Michelin star chef, praised the talent of competitors in the Market Chef competition at Remarkables Park on Saturday.
The future of rowing in Wakatipu looks to be in good hands.
Christina McDonald took a walk around the Queenstown Gardens with her camera over the weekend.
Children at yesterday's Teddy Bears Picnic were treated to face-painting, magic shows, entertainer Sunny Sky, a petting zoo, bouncy castle with not a cloud in the sky.
Jigsaw Central Lakes, a non-profit service which helps those affected by abuse and offers family support, has had its busiest December to date.