Surfers and surf life-savers say the actions of the driver of a boat which they say did ''donuts'' within metres of surfers at St Clair on Saturday were inappropriate and risky, but the fisherman involved says he did nothing wrong.
Out-of-town visitors will not be charged to visit Dunedin's council-owned cultural institutions, but councillors have signalled they expect the institutions to find other ways of making money.
The Dunedin City Council has employed a person to help attract international students to the city to study.
A member of the Shanghai Municipal Government's foreign affairs office is to spend two months working at the Dunedin City Council.
The failure of Dunedin's mayor and a city councillor to resolve a minor conduct breach more quickly did not reflect well on either of them as city leaders, the men were told yesterday.
Dunedin city councillors have voted against installing a weighbridge at the Green Island landfill immediately, opting instead to seek residents' opinion.
The Wingatui rail tunnel is on track for some new tracks.
Mosgiel's Pearl of the Plain sign in Quarry Rd is to lose its population figure and receive a general spruce-up.
The New Zealand Transport Agency says it hopes ''teething problems'' with new traffic signal timings at the intersections at Quarry Rd, Gladstone Rd, Gordon Rd and Hagart Alexander Dr are now history.
The Dunedin City Council plans to sell surplus land and property over the next two to three years in a move expected to raise about $10 million.
The Dunedin City Council is to do a fundamental review of the operating and funding models of the Forsyth Barr Stadium, which continues to be unable to meet its budget.
As Dunedin residents continue to complain about the cost of using the city's landfills, budgets reveal the dumps are scheduled to make a $1.5 million surplus this year.
An oversight that resulted in freshly painted suburban road markings sealed over on the same day was ''a bit embarrassing'', the Dunedin City Council admits.
A youth participation advisory group for the Dunedin City Council is to be set up after the council signed off on the idea yesterday.
Dunedin's youngest city councillors are to seek support from their colleagues to ensure young people's voices are heard at the Dunedin City Council.
A Dunedin teen has his sea legs and is ready for a big adventure on the southern seas.
Dunedin city councillors will decide next week which of two new landfill charging regimes the public should be consulted about.
Multiple departments of the Dunedin City Council are seeking councillor approval to increase some of their fees and charges from July 1 - including potentially more increases in landfill fees.
A remarkable find at a Palmerston second-hand book store last week might have been more than just a coincidence, Janet Frame's niece says.
The Brighton Club is looking forward to another cracking day of fishing at its annual competition on Saturday.