A recidivist violent offender who punched his pregnant partner and treated her in a "degrading, disgusting, controlling fashion" has been given one last chance by a judge.
A Dunedin man lashed out at police officers and a Good Samaritan as they attempted to stop him from jumping into traffic on a highway south of the city.
A Dunedin man claims he was in the "wrong place at the wrong time" after an attempted home invasion ended with him being confronted with a baseball bat.
A judge condemned a Dunedin man for his "demoralising, humiliating and debilitating" treatment of a young woman after he left her fearing for her life.
A judge says he is exceptionally impressed with a Dunedin man’s realisation that "methamphetamine is a demon" after being jailed for abusing his partner and his dog.
An Oamaru man who instructed his girlfriend to dig her own grave with a pitchfork is determined to get his life back after "falling down the rabbit hole of methamphetamine".