The accomplice of a notorious self-described "kleptomaniac" has narrowly avoided jail after breaking into her neighbour’s house and stealing Christmas presents from under the tree.
Language barriers and tales of a war-torn country were shared with a jury yesterday when a defendant gave evidence after being accused of rape and kidnapping.
A woman who says she was kidnapped and raped has faced gruelling cross-examination about the length of her dress and the amount of alcohol she consumed.
A woman who says she was kidnapped and raped in Dunedin has faced gruelling cross-examination regarding the length of her dress and the amount of alcohol she consumed.
A Dunedin woman who hollowed out a chapstick and stuffed it full of methamphetamine was arrested after she tried to smuggle it into the Otago Corrections Facility.
Gaurav Jeevan Rauniyar appeared in the Dunedin District Court this week on three charges related to up-skirting and breaching the Search and Surveillance Act.