Young cast of ‘Break a Leg’ bound across genres

The Star reporter Brenda Harwood
Globe Youth production 
Globe Theatre
Monday, July 15

Thrills and spills aplenty greeted the opening night audience for the Globe Theatre’s first Globe Youth production Break a Leg, by Judi Billcliff.

Co-directed by Harry Almey and Kay Masters, and including scenes devised by its enthusiastic cast of Dunedin rangatahi, the high-energy show bounded across genres — from Western to horror, dance to high drama — with gusto.

Based on the premise of an awards-competition night, Break a Leg gave its large ensemble cast plenty of opportunities to tackle many different styles of performance.

With the guidance of Almey and Masters, performers April Kerr, Ariel Holloway, Connor Broadhead, Echo Beres, Hannah Fenemor, John Lindley, Freja Thatcher, Jake Harris, Elizabeth Dearden, Jasmine McPherson, and Rosie Mitchell worked well together to drive the on-stage action forward.

Staging was simple and effective, sharing the action between the on-stage events and back-stage discussions, which was integral to giving the play its emotional heart.

Despite a few nervous moments, the very young cast handled the pressure of opening night very well and clearly enjoyed themselves immensely.

Congratulations to all involved in bringing this exciting opportunity for young, developing performers to the stage.

Break a Leg continues at the Globe Theatre, London St, until Saturday.