Lisa Scott takes a knee to tie a shoelace at her peril, as the Casanova of Wanaka sees proposals everywhere.
The Casanova of Wanaka and I are a great match. But there’s trouble at t’mill when the sun goes down, writes Lisa Scott.
A toxic relationship is like paraquat: it gets into the waterways of your life and mutates all the happy little fish, writes Lisa Scott.
Do not go gentle into that brain fog; rage, rage against the dying of your hippocampus, writes Lisa Scott.
It’s only natural that when you get together with someone there is a certain merging of your interests and hobbies, writes Lisa Scott.
Whether it’s empty places at the table, family members stuck on the other side of the world, the constant feeling of not-here-ness is like the itch of a missing limb, writes Lisa Scott.
Don’t know about you, but at the start of 2020 I had no idea of the random skills I’d have assembled by the end of it. Some people took up baking, gardening ... Those people are not me.
Emotionally abusive relationships are no less traumatic and difficult to leave, writes Lisa Scott.
Lisa Scott gets to grips with a bustle and enjoys all things Victorian.
Dating a nice guy is scary as when you’re used to drama lama bad boys, writes Lisa Scott.
Now that we’re no longer allowed to duel, it’s hard to know what is an appropriate response in the face of an assault on your principles or honour, writes Lisa Scott.
2020 has seen a plague of rats - and not just the four-legged kind, writes Lisa Scott.
Don’t know about you, but I’m a bit sick of old white guys at the moment (sorry Santa, but I’ll always cherish that Soda Stream), writes Lisa Scott.
While in lockdown for weeks, Lisa Scott seized the opportunity for a good old clear-out.
Your bookcase says a lot about you, Lisa Scott believes. Want to be taken seriously? Take a shelfie.
It’s not until things like Covid-19 happen that emergency management teams swing into action, CDEMs activate and folks whose normal jobs are as innocuous as stapling paper together turn out to be secret ninjas, writes Lisa Scott.
Like a shark that has to keep moving to pay the mortgage, I never stop working, writes Lisa Scott.
No woman is an island, but spending time alone is the healthiest decision you’ll make, writes Lisa Scott.
Lisa Scott's fallen in love with the Waitaki District.
Lisa Scott goes to watch a game of rugby she actually enjoyed.