Ratepayers across Otago face the possibility of unscheduled rates hikes within months if the Government confirms plans to lift GST as high as 15%.
The cost of rebuilding New Zealand's core infrastructure - rather than shiny new stadiums or glory projects - is to blame for the country's first $1 billion rates bill, Local Government New Zealand says.
"Taking money from the renewals budget to cover over-expenditure for water services is a major concern", Queenstown Lakes District Council Councillor Cath Gilmour said at a council utilities committee meeting yesterday.
An overall rates increase of 8.7% is being proposed by Environment Canterbury (ECan) in the 2010-11 draft annual plan the regional council will be asked to adopt tomorrow.
No general rate increase is planned by the Otago Regional Council in the coming financial year.
Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton believes the Waitaki District Council's rates rise for the next year should not exceed the rate of inflation, but he cannot be at a council meeting today to put his case.
The Waitaki District Council is about to start the process of setting its rates, considering how to cut back a predicted 6% rates increase for the next financial year.
A 3.9% increase on the Maniototo ward component of rates has been recommended by the Maniototo Community Board.
Three of the most expensive capital projects planned by the Dunedin City Council, together costing tens of millions of dollars, could be temporarily shelved in an effort to ease the burden on ratepayers.
Dunedin ratepayers look set to pay an extra 7.3% in rates for the next financial year, along with increased fees and charges for activities ranging from building a house to burying the dead.
The first round of estimates meetings in the Central Otago district ended positively with a single change to the budget and $30,000 off the rates burden.
Dunedin's council housing rents are likely to rise later this year by $9 a week for every unit, a rise the Dunedin City Council says is needed to pay for new units being built, increased rates, staff costs and contractor costs.
With the big decisions made, and the borrowing under way, the Dunedin City Council now has to find a way to manage its debt-heavy budget for the next year and beyond.
The cost of dying looks set to go up as the Dunedin City Council signals plans to hike a host of fees later this year.
An elderly Dunedin couple are shocked and upset at a demand to start paying an annual rental for their carport, after a discovery it was built partly on a Dunedin City Council road reserve.
Lifestyle block owners and bed and breakfast establishments face increased rates under changes to Dunedin's rating system, while farmers look set to pay less of the overall rate take during the next nine years.
The amount of Dunedin City Council rates owed from last year has risen slightly, as anecdotal evidence shows some people are struggling to pay.
Rates still unpaid this year are also up marginally.
A decision by the Central Otago District Council's district development committee to relocate Cromwell's information centre could add an extra 5-10% to rates in the Cromwell ward, Cromwell Community Board chairman Neil Gillespie warns.
Over the next three weeks, Clutha residents will be asked to rate the Clutha District Council's performance.
After fighting back from the brink of extinction, the Dunedin Ratepayers and Householders Association is heading in a new direction, which may include supporting its own candidates in next year's local body elections.