As the local body elections loom on the horizon, Chris Skellett makes a plea for effective community leadership.
Two more Dunedin city councillors have confirmed they will stand again at the local body elections in October.
Dunedin voters will again find candidates' names listed alphabetically in this year's city council elections.
Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton is to seek a second term, yesterday confirming he would stand for the mayoralty in this year's October local body elections.
Local Government Minister Rodney Hide has introduced an amendment to rules surrounding local government transparency and financial management, but its effect, if it gets through Parliament, seems anything but clear at this stage.
An "improvement but still flawed" is Local Government New Zealand's reaction to details released yesterday on the discount councils will have to give for late processing of resource consents.
The Motor Trade Association is accusing local councils of turning a blind eye to the increasing number of organised roadside car sales, which it says can provide a venue for illegal sellers and cars riddled with problems.
The Otago Chamber of Commerce campaign against Otago Regional Council harbourside plans has cost it one of its biggest members - the Otago Regional Council.
Dunedin City Council staff have recommended an underground water pipe in Outram be replaced soon to stop potentially dangerous pressure fluctuations.
Supermarket operator Progressive Enterprises' bid to build a Countdown outlet in South Dunedin - beside the Dunedin Gasworks Museum - has been rejected by the Dunedin City Council's resource consents hearings committee.
The Dunedin City Council should seek new ways to cash in on swimmers at Moana Pool, as well as building a pool at Mosgiel and a high-performance training pool at the Forsyth Barr Stadium, a consultants' report has suggested.
Taxi driver and city council candidate George Morrison predicts a lot of change at this year's local body elections.
Environment Canterbury's water management was so bad that immediate government intervention was necessary, Parliament was told tonight.
The Dunedin City Council wants its staff to get behind the wheel with New Zealand rally ace Emma Gilmour, in an effort to cut the number of accidents involving council vehicles.
People claim to want clean, swimmable water, but if that was the case, why did they continue to pollute the region's waterways with dead animals and rubbish, Otago Regional Cr Stephen Woodhead has asked.
Otago Regional councillors yesterday voted to consult the public over a possible merger between Port Otago and Lyttelton Port, despite deeming such a move to be insignificant.
Two former Queenstown Lakes district councillors are pleading with their successors to stop dithering and make a decision on where Wanaka's sports stadium should be sited, before local body elections later this year.
The number of council chief executives in Dunedin will increase by 37 today as the local government chief officers group meeting is held in Dunedin for the first time.
Dunedin's new borrowing is forecast to reach $178 million in the next three years, as the city council continues with the major multimillion-dollar construction projects on its books.
At this year's local body election, the Forsyth Barr Stadium will, no doubt, be sitting high on the list of matters voters will consider when they make decisions about the candidate they choose.