The Green Party has asked police to investigate the GCSB's illegal spying on Kim Dotcom, saying the agency appears to have broken the same law under which Prime Minister John Key laid his "Teapot Tapes" complaint.
Prime Minister John Key was yesterday again on the back foot in Parliament over questions about how much he knew about the involvement of the GCSB and other intelligence agencies he is responsible for in the Kim Dotcom debacle.
Concerns over New Zealand's diplomatic relations with the United States were a factor in the Government's decision-making during the legal battle over Kim Dotcom's assets.
Kim Dotcom has told a court he was punched and kicked to the ground by members of the police special tactics group during the raid on his mansion.
Kim Dotcom has been labelled a "career criminal" by Hollywood ahead of a landmark hearing in the internet piracy case.
Internet mogul Kim Dotcom should be able to fight the US Government without his hands tied behind his back, his lawyer says.
The High Court has ruled the police raid on internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom's Auckland mansion was illegal and the removal from New Zealand of cloned copies of hard drives seized was unlawful.
Kim Dotcom's extradition hearing has been put off until next year.
The FBI has been ordered to start copying 150 terabytes of data - including 10 million emails - contained on the seized computers belonging to internet mogul Kim Dotcom.
Kim Dotcom's legal team have asked United States courts to throw out charges against his Megaupload company.
Megaupload millionaire Kim Dotcom will move back into his $30 million mansion after bail conditions for him and his three co-accused were relaxed further by the court today.
The Government's lawyers have been ordered to explain how the FBI left the country with evidence in the Kim Dotcom case meant to be kept in "secure custody'' by New Zealand police.
Kim Dotcom's head of security told his boss that John Banks asked for a political donation and said he would be a "very good friend'' once he was back in Parliament, according to an email.
The decision this week of Local Government Minister David Carter to request advice from officials on funding rules for local body elections is welcome.
Phone records covering the month in which Act New Zealand leader John Banks visited internet tycoon Kim Dotcom are being withheld for police inspection.
Labour says Prime Minister John Key should stand Act Party leader John Banks down from his ministerial portfolios while allegations that he didn't properly disclose donations from Kim Dotcom are investigated.
Act New Zealand leader John Banks asked for a $50,000 political donation to be split into two parts so it could be made anonymously, says Kim Dotcom and one other witness.
Internet tycoon Kim Dotcom is going back to court in a bid for access to the internet.
Megaupload millionaire Kim Dotcom and his family have been granted a $60,000 a month living allowance.
Internet tycoon Kim Dotcom's cash, cars and property were seized using a court order which should never have been granted.