Question: Do you think your Google habits - your random, untethered wisps of thoughts manifested as search terms like "unexplained hives" and "Kate Beckinsale single?" - can be bundled together to paint an accurate representation of your morality?
Google Inc. agreed to delay the start of a web advertising partnership with rival Yahoo Inc., giving US antitrust regulators more time to review the deal.
Google has launched a new version of Google Earth that allows users to explore the oceans, view images of Mars and watch regions of the Earth change over time.
New Zealand's Privacy Commissioner has joined her counterparts from around the world in expressing concerns to web giant Google over its data and privacy protection.
Supporters of Google's effort to create the world's largest digital library on the Internet have told a federal judge that it would benefit society, while opponents said it would infringe on copyright protections and violate the privacy of readers.
The "churchofgoogle" website claims Google is the "closest thing to an omniscient entity in existence" and "potentially immortal" - its algorithms spread, as they are, over many servers so that if one fails another will take its place.
Google says it is tightening the security of its free email service to combat hackers like the ones that recently targeted it in China.
Internet search leader Google will ease its control over millions of copyright-protected books earmarked for its digital library if a court approves a revised lawsuit settlement that addresses objections of antitrust regulators.