Like many other Kiwis this summer, Charmian Smith has been travelling around the country and been fascinated by the regional variety of what is available at farmers’ markets and roadside stalls.
Poverty and food insecurity often go hand in hand with obesity, a result of people eating food high in calories but low in nutrients, according to Massey University School of Health Sciences senior...
Covid has made us think about our food security. Even the suggestion, later rejected, that the recent cluster in Auckland could have been the result of contamination on imported food packaging made...
Increasingly we want to know where our food has come from and how it was made. Many of us feel that "Made in NZ from local and imported ingredients" is not enough, although often it’s all the information we get on packets.
When people find themselves putting on weight after dieting they blame themselves, rather than realising that diets don’t work in the long term, says Otago Uni's Associate Prof Caroline Horwarth.
When we consider food sustainability, most of us probably think of food miles and wastage, pesticides and maybe getting rid of single use plastic bags, writes Charmian Smith.
Knowing what's in food, its nutrients, where it comes from, as well as having basic skills to prepare it is necessary to function healthily and sustainably in today's world, writes Charmian Smith.
I was reading the small print on a carton of milk recently. It claimed to have ''no added permeate'' and because it was ''less processed'' it claimed it had ''more goodness''.