When I was in primary school, I lined up with hundreds of others along Highgate to catch a glimpse of the Queen — a brief wave through a car window and the excitement was over.
I showed my student son ChatGPT and we got it to write an essay on the causes of New Zealand river pollution — his eyes lit up as he watched the essay being formed in a matter of minutes.
The methane debate is hotting up in New Zealand as livestock farmers face a bevy of regulations and legislation driving conversion of hill country farms into forestry and carbon farming (often...
There is a lot of discussion about political polarisation at the moment and my exposure to extreme opinions was given a kick-start while travelling in the United States last month.
New Zealand’s dominant agricultural industries were not built overnight — sheep and beef, dairy and kiwifruit industries were started by early innovators and have been supported by growers,...
My sons were discussing meat at a family dinner last night — my eldest son is flatting, while my middle son is in a university hostel, planning on flatting next year.
The slow food movement was started by Italian Carlo Petrini in the 1980s to defend regional traditions, good food, gastronomic pleasure and a slow pace of life.