The tension between a life centred on capitalism and one based on art takes centre stage in one-man show The Unfolding of Benjamin's Misery partly based on the author's struggles to make ends meet...
Dunedin Fringe Festival performer American Austin Dean Ashford brought his show (I)sland (T)rap, loosely based on Homer's Odyssey, The Jungle Book, the writings of Joseph Campbell and the art of...
Samoan grandmother Mama is lonely, and things aren’t getting any better. Her never-satisfactory husband is becoming more useless and demanding, the kids and grandkids seldom visit, and she’s just...
Abby Howells’ love of music and theatre has led to some difficult times, but discovering the bravery of female performers who have gone before her has given her direction.
Dunedin’s Fringe Festival is an ideal opportunity for emerging artists to test their ideas and mettle. Rebecca Fox talks to first-time playwright Ruth Carraway.