The script of the live-action cartoon show Velcro City was retired when its Dunedin Fringe Festival run finished on Saturday.
The Dunedin Fringe festival is finished and it tested audiences and pushed boundaries.
The honest reactions of Dunedin Fringe Festival audiences make it the ideal for premiering and refining a new show, Auckland comedian Nick Rado says.
Enter the forbidden quarters of a harem where men are sexually objectified and compete for a woman's love.
Little Red Riding Hood gets political and sets the record straight.
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to comedian Cherie Jacobson performing in this year's Dunedin Fringe Festival.
If you missed the free Dunedin Fringe Festival shows Nosferatu and The Exploding Saxophone at Southern Sinfonia Rehearsal Rooms last week, you can see them again at King George Hall, in St Leonards, tonight and tomorrow.
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to comedian Tarun Mohanbhai.
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to artist Odelle Morshuis
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to dancer Lyn Cotton
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to dancer Hahna Briggs, performing in this year's Dunedin Fringe Festival.
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to comedian Hamish Parkinson, performing in this year's Dunedin Fringe Festival.
Reporter Shawn McAvinue puts the hard questions to comedian James Noksie, performing in this year's Dunedin Fringe Festival.
Big monuments in small towns inspired the band the Plot Holes to write a Dunedin Fringe Festival show.
A beautiful artwork born from the scent of a perfume is destined to be destroyed.
Musician Benton Glassey, of Dunedin, plays the keyboards while Shauna Reynolds, of South Africa, plays the sound beam in an interactive musical performance at the Community Gallery yesterday.
Actor Richard Hanna, of Ottawa, who is 1.8m tall, tries out the extra-large chair - made in Dunedin last week - that will help him portray a 1.4m-tall Irish dandy in Melody Moore, which is being performed at the Playhouse Theatre from today until Saturday as part of the Dunedin Fringe Festival.
The saucy contemporary cabaret In Flagrante is set to ''titillate, stimulate and challenge'' at the Dunedin Fringe Festival on Saturday.
Wellington performance artist Samin Son risked punishment for painting on South Korean Army property with toothpaste. He was desperate for artistic expression.