More clarity needed over RMA reforms and timings

Spring is in full swing by now, everyone is well through calving and the weather has been good.

The outlook for dairy is good. Beef is OK, and lamb and wool are improving but still well below sustainable levels.

The various councils are causing frustration in the rural communities by not properly engaging with them.

They're telling us they are consulting with us but we get no response on our feedback and no improvements in their draft plans.

A lot of the staff are hell-bent on notifying the plans based on legislation created by the last government.

If this is getting pushed through it could, in some cases, have a very negative impact on the future of our rural districts.

It is frustrating to experience the unwillingness of some parts of the bureaucracy to listen to the will of the people .

In a democracy like ours, you would expect that this is a given.

The government is on the right track with some of the reforms they are making, with quite a bit of common sense in their policies.

More clarity regarding the Resource Management Act reforms and the timing of it will be good and helpful.

Mental health is still a big issue in our rural districts with a lot of issues people have to deal with.

It is important to look out for each other and to reach out for help when you feel the need.

Hopefully we have more positive news for our next report.


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