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Sunday, Sun, 9 MarchMar 2025

That’s A&P show business

Gerard Sheat, of Palmerston, drives a 1950 Fordson Major while leading the tractors in the grand...
Gerard Sheat, of Palmerston, drives a 1950 Fordson Major while leading the tractors in the grand parade during the 2020 Palmerston-Waihemo A&P Show at the Palmerston Showgrounds on Saturday. Photos: Peter McIntosh
Isabel Jackson (6), of Palmerston, holds dog Baxter during the show.
Isabel Jackson (6), of Palmerston, holds dog Baxter during the show.
Mac Heckler (2), of Palmerston, enjoys his hot dog.
Mac Heckler (2), of Palmerston, enjoys his hot dog.
Briarna Gregge (16), of Waimate, holds miniature horse Kent during the show on Saturday.
Briarna Gregge (16), of Waimate, holds miniature horse Kent during the show on Saturday.

It might not have always felt like a summer day, but cool weather, at times, failed to deter the enthusiasm of those taking part in the annual Palmerston-Waihemo A&P Show on Saturday.

Two of the highlights were the Eastern Agri-Fun Event for school children and the terrier race, in which one over-enthusiastic entry managed to take off with the quarry.

The traditional grand parade was led by the skirl of the pipes and Palmerston-Waihemo A&P Association president Garry Dodd and included an impressive display of vintage machinery.

The show was followed by a car show at the showgrounds yesterday, also organised by the A&P association. 


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