Yes to the dress for fundraiser

Ange Gibbs holds a wedding gown worn by Coralie Heads on her wedding day in 1965. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Ange Gibbs holds a wedding gown worn by Coralie Heads on her wedding day in 1965. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A cold midwinter evening in Wyndham is about to get a whole lot cooler.

The Winter Wonderland Bridal Gown and Entertainment Show will transform the Wyndham Memorial Hall and transport you away to another world for a few hours of beauty and entertainment on July 20 starting at 7.30pm.

The event will be run by the Wyndham and Districts Historical Society as its main annual fundraiser in a bid to raise money for a new museum to serve the district.

Committee member Ange Gibbs said the idea come about while preparing for its 2023 fundraiser, A Journey Through Fashion.

"While sourcing clothing for last year’s fundraiser, there were many offers of wedding dresses made, so it was decided to use them for a show of their own for this year", she said.

"Each gown modelled will have its story told and it will be interesting to note how traditions and societal expectations have changed so much over the past 80 years.

"All of the gowns are from locals and families of locals with the oldest one dating back to the 1940s. Although it is too fragile to be worn on the night, it will be on display.

"Another gown from the era is made from curtaining material because fabrics were very scarce as a result of World War 2.

"There are also some families who are showing more than one generation of gowns and for those families to have this opportunity to show them all together, is something very special indeed."

Mrs Gibbs said the committee was excited to have last year’s compere Karen Bellew back again, alongside other talented performers.

"We’ll be very spoilt with entertainment through the evening from some talented southern singers, performing wedding-themed songs of the eras.

She said more than 40 gowns will be modelled during the evening.

"There will be spot prizes for those dressed in winter wonderland theme.

"Whether that’s furry or sparkly or something else, it will add to the fun atmosphere."

The show will be held at the Wyndham Memorial Hall.