How to make Otago highway safer?

Installing median barriers and roadside barriers are among the options being considered by the New Zealand Transport Agency as it investigates ways to make State Highway 1 between Mosgiel and Balclutha a safer stretch of road.

The mix of long and straight roads with rolling and winding sections has resulted in some drivers being caught unawares by unexpected corners, leading to crashes.

NZTA statistics show between 2006 and 2015, 12 people were killed and 66 seriously injured in crashes between Mosgiel and Balclutha.

Work is in the design stage for improvements to the road.

The work will be part of a national $600 million safe roads and roadsides programme for reducing deaths and serious injuries on high-risk rural highways.

"It's an important road for freight and is used by a lot of tourists,'' NZTA system manager, Graeme Hall said in a statement.

"We want to make changes so that simple mistakes don't result in someone dying or being seriously injured.''

Other options NZTA is weighing up include widening the road shoulder in high-risk sections to give drivers more recovery time, and widening the centre line.

It is also asking communities on that stretch of road for comment, and will have stands at two upcoming A&P Shows.

"The local people who use this road and live near it, know it better than anyone else.

"We're keen to hear their views on how we could make it safer,'' Mr Hall said.


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