A hole-y problem in Pioneer Park

A hole which has been dug in Pioneer Park in Alexandra. PHOTO: JULIE ASHER
A hole which has been dug in Pioneer Park in Alexandra. PHOTO: JULIE ASHER
There is gold in them hills - and maybe in the park in the centre of town.

Someone is digging up holes in Pioneer Park in the centre of Alexandra to find something - perhaps money, jewellery or even gold.

When contacted, Central Otago District Council parks and recreation manager Gordon Bailey said staff had been dealing with a number of holes that had appeared in the sports field.

"Staff do see this from time to time and the activity is believed to be caused by people metal detecting. The holes are about spade width and depth," he said.

"Metal detecting in a public park is something that requires a permit under the Reserves Act 1977 as it is an offence under that Act."

The Central Otago District Council did not issue permits for that activity within any of its reserves, as digging unauthorised holes in reserves for any reason put other reserve users at risk and potentially damaged the turf.

Under the rules, no-one could wilfully dig, cut or excavate the sod on any reserve.

There had been multiple holes dug in the park but he did not specify an exact number.

"We understand some people use metal detectors to try and find lost money, jewellery or other artefacts and in some cases may also on-sell them. This activity is best kept to beach areas such as sand or gravel, and is not suitable for ‘developed’ parks and reserves," he said.

The park would be used for Blossom Festival activities next month.