The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust and Department of Conservation recently finished the 2.5km section linking Albert Town to Stevenson's Rd. There the track joins Reko's Point track to Shortcut Rd at Luggate.
Cyclists Roger and Sandra Cain, of Dunedin, were this week enjoying the track with friends for the first time and they all gave it a rave review.
The track was "excellent", "very well done" and "a great idea", they said.
The track's completion means people can now undertake an off-road cycle or walk of about 25km from Wanaka's lakefront to Luggate, following the lake shore and Clutha River all the way.
An off-road trip of similar distance is also possible from Lake Hawea to Luggate.
The new section of the Upper Clutha River Track was completed for $65,000.
It is the most challenging part of the track and traverses the Halliday Bluffs for 500m before rising on to natural terraces above the river.
Funding is being sought to continue the track to Luggate Creek.
Eventually, it will form part of the Clutha Mata-Au River Parkway from Lake Wanaka to Balclutha.
The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust will celebrate the opening informally at Pawson's Crossing - the new bridge across the Cardrona River just up from the confluence with the Clutha.
The public is invited to join in and then walk or bike along the track.
Among those attending today's opening is Alexander Reko Hesselin (known as Mick), who is a descendant of the Maori chief Reko, who in 1853 guided the first European, farmer Nathaniel Chalmers to Wanaka.