A member of the Friends of Ferrymead Group, she was elegantly attired at the Waimate Edwardian Heritage Group's Promenade in the Park at Seddon Square on Saturday.
Her elaborate costume was sourced from opportunity shops. Her dainty shoes cost $2 and the lace parasol was made from old kitchen curtains.
"We waste not, want not," she said with a laugh.
All her outfits matched and toned but, she said, it was rude to ask how many costumes she had.
Embracing the Edwardian theme had been "absolutely great" for Waimate, local woman Sue Smart said.
Her outfit was also op-shop adapted, and she loved watching old movies to get inspiration for costumes.
King Arthur III, from Ohoka, was there on his throne with butterflies in his beard and cannons Bad Basil and Horrible Horrace nearby.
Recruits were being sought for the Duchess of Camlann's regiment for "fun times, mock battles, regimental dinners and soirees".
It was the fifth year the heritage celebrations have been held in Waimate and this year's event had a Venetian Carnival theme.
A masked ball was held on Saturday night.