Seat, plaque dedicated to Brasch

Charles Brasch's literary executor Alan Roddick (standing, right) speaks at a plaque unveiling...
Charles Brasch's literary executor Alan Roddick (standing, right) speaks at a plaque unveiling for the late Dunedin poet at Prospect Park, Dunedin, on Saturday. Photo by Craig Baxter.
The centenary year of Dunedin poet Charles Brasch came to a late but appropriate end on Saturday.

A plaque and seat dedicated to him were unveiled by a group of his friends and followers at Prospect Park.

Literary executor Alan Roddick said his friend Ruth Dallas used to take him to the park during his last illness, in 1973, where he enjoyed the view.

The plaque bears one of his last poems, `The Clear'.

It is about the park, which was known as the Clear.

Funded by local people who knew the poet, the plaque and seat were installed in December but Mr Roddick wanted to wait for a suitable time to gather everyone for an official service.

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