Tagger caught by bar owner may face jail

A Hastings tagger told by a judge to bring his "toothbrush and pyjamas" when he appeared in court for sentencing today was again remanded on bail, until July 30.

Quentin McKelvey, 21, orchard worker, had admitted one charge of wilful damage involving tagging a traffic light between April 14 and 18 when he appeared before Judge Tony Adeane on May 28.

Judge Adeane told McKelvey his tagging was "turning Hastings into a pigs' sty, a ghetto" and indicated he could face jail.

His exploits received national prominence when he was caught tagging a wall at a Havelock North bar on April 18.

The bar owner grabbed McKelvey's marker pen and scribbed over his face before throwing him out.

McKelvey appeared in Hastings District Court today before Judge John Hole and admitted a further 10 charges of wilful damage by tagging.

Police said McKelvey tagged utility boxes and the walls of buildings in Hastings and Havelock North, using different coloured pens, between April 15 and 18.

He has been remanded on bail for restorative justice and pre-sentence reports.

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