The 20-year-old University of Otago geology student is hoping to finish his 2150km skike trip - a type of cross-country skiing for the road - in Bluff on Friday.
"I think when I finish I am going to cry like a little girl," the former Alexandra man said.
Mr Kvick began his trip from Cape Reinga on November 30 and has spent 27 days "skiking" through New Zealand - taking the occasional rest day - with "no shortage of strange looks from people".
He has been pulled over by police several times, had a bee fly into his mouth, gone through two sets of tyres and become a frequent consumer of petrol-station cuisine - all for the sake of raising funds for his two chosen charities.
So far, he had raised $3800 for SPCA Otago and CanTeen Otago, and while it was less than he had hoped, it was still worth the effort, he said in Dunedin yesterday.
"This started as a personal challenge, and I am looking forward to finishing . . . you certainly learn a lot about yourself."
Travelling from six to 12 hours a day, Mr Kvick has averaged slightly more than 70km a day, with his record being a 143km trip from Waiouru to Palmerston North.
"It is not easy, I say to people it is like swimming at the pool for six to 12 hours."
Tackling the Kilmog before he arrived in Dunedin was one of the hardest parts of the journey, and he could reach speeds of up to 50kmh on some downhill sections, while normally he averaged between 10kmh and 15kmh.
"It is a great way to travel if you want to see the country at 10kmh."
One of the hardest part of the trip was watching carloads of happy holiday-makers head to the beach, and he was looking forward to meeting his family on his trip to Bluff.
After going to bed at 9pm on New Year's Eve, Mr Kvick said he was overdue for a celebratory drink when he finished on Friday.
Follow his journey to Bluff at