Allied Farmers' shares fell more than 37% in value yesterday to close at 10c, but trading proved to be the calm before the storm, Forsyth Barr broker Peter Young said.
The shares fell on opening to 10.1c and there they stayed for most of the day, despite briefly reaching 9.8c at one point before moving back up to the closing price.
About 8.7 million shares were traded, nothing like the amount expected from brokers.
However, at 4.30pm, Allied chairman John Loughlin issued a statement clarifying the situation.
Allied expected Hanover Finance and United Finance investors would receive notice of their share allocations and holding numbers from today onwards.
More than 1.9 million shares were allocated at 6pm on Friday to investors of the two troubled finance companies.
The allocations were posted at noon on Sunday.
The shares were issued to Hanover and United investors as part of the deal which saw Allied take over the assets of the finance companies.
Those allotment notices should be received today, Mr Loughlin said.
Holding numbers were posted yesterday.
However, new shareholders wanting to trade Allied shares before receiving their holding numbers should contact a sharebroker who could obtain that information from the registry, Link Market Services, by providing the registry with an indemnity.
All shares must be traded using a sharebroker, he said.
Mr Young had fielded many inquiries yesterday from people asking more about the share allocations and what price the shares were trading at during the day.