You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image.By Illustrations 0 Comments Dave Meikle (Oamaru), Peter Cameron (Oamaru) and Gordon Muldrew (Auckland). Gobi Johnston (Invercargill), Bill Rushton (Taupo), Murray Rawcliffe (Oamaru) and Garry Ford (Timaru). Lindsay Robertson (Geraldine), Dennis Johnston (Geraldine), Chris Taylor (Invercargill) and Gib Carling (Oamaru). Merv Hamilton (Weston), Bob Pile (Oamaru) and Jim Nimmo (Weston). Murray Sangster (Christchurch), Darryl Whitburn (Oamaru) and Craig Campbell (Wellington). Jim Laurenson (Brisbane), Noel Williamson (Oamaru) and Doug Taylor (Oamaru). Photos by David Bruce; prints available from Add a Comment Login or register to post comments.