Heavy rain fell all day and in the evening, yet between 20 and 30 people put in an appearance.
The Mayor (Dr J. R. Gilmour) presided.
The proposed scheme was laid before the meeting and a lively interest was taken in the matter by the ratepayers.
The various committees of the council spoke on the different aspects of the subject, and after questions were answered a resolution was carried calling upon the council to proceed with the poll.
The question of the better lighting of the borough has been under consideration for some years.
Various reports have been obtained from experts.
An expenditure of a sum of money in connection with the water supply is now imperative, so the council proposes to spend a sum, not exceeding 700 in bringing in water from Laurel Creek.
This will provide power to run the dynamo to supply electric light, and it is estimated the installation will cost about 300.
The ratepayers are all agreed about requiring the extra water, the lighting being the subject on which there is a difference of opinion.
• The secretary of the New Luggate Hydraulic Sluicing Company has a telegram from the local director (Mr T.
McLaughlin, Luggate) that the manager had washed up 60oz for four weeks' elevating.
As the capital of this company is only 2000, and there is practically an unlimited area of ground which has been tested by boring, also the right to 21 heads of water from an unfailing supply, the fortunate shareholders possess a property second to none in the Cromwell district.
It is anticipated that all liabilities will be paid off by Christmas, and the first dividend declared.
The monthly wages of about 70 are the only liabilities to be met, all above that amount is profit.
• For the past week (says our Tapanui correspondent) the weather has been extremely wintry.
The gales were of exceptional severity, although they did not last long, and were followed by broken weather.
Heavy rain fell, together with snow, on the hills, and wind, sleet, and cold. - ODT, 26.10.1909