Anglia fans cruise Central Otago

Ford Anglias from throughout the South Island were seen on Central Otago roads over the weekend as Anglia fans converged on Ophir for the car's 50th anniversary rally.

In total, 24 of the 105E models in myriad colours were taken out of garages and put on the road for the event.

Car owners from Nelson, Kaikoura, Timaru, Oamaru, Ashburton, Winton, and Invercargill took part, as did a couple of Central Otago residents.

Organiser Peter Ward, of Christchurch, said three main groups made the journey to Ophir.

The drivers met for the tripin Christchurch, Mosgiel, or Gore.

On Saturday morning, the Central Otago drivers travelled to Roxburgh to meet the north-bound group, and those heading south made a pit stop at Naseby for the second annual Naseby Car Show organised by Winton Amies.

Once everyone had arrived at Ophir on Saturday afternoon, the cars were lined up for a photo shoot in front of historic buildings, as well as across the one-lane Ophir Bridge.

A social evening, complete with light-hearted competitions, took place at Ophir's Blacks Hotel on Saturday, before the rally travelled to St Bathans and Becks yesterday morning.

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