Concern over future of wool

One of the few remaining textile research centres in the southern hemisphere is watching with some concern for signs the wool industry can achieve unity now farmers have voted no longer to pay a sector levy.

AgResearch's manager of food and textiles Warren McNabb said the science company was waiting to see the impact the no vote would have on its Lincoln centre, formerly the Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand.

For example, a wool consortium had a funding application before the Foundation for Research Science and Technology and he hoped the anti-wool levy vote would not influence the decision.

Prof McNabb also hoped the sector's ability to leverage funding for other research projects would not be affected.

He took heart from calls by Agriculture Minister David Carter and those in the wool industry for unity in the sector.

In the meantime, Prof McNabb said AgResearch would maintain its Lincoln facility, which researched wool developments beyond the farm gate.

"No-one is rushing to do anything stupid," he said in an interview.

The Lincoln centre was the largest in New Zealand and Australia and perhaps the world, with one of its largest clients, Australia Wool Innovations, Prof McNabb said.

Australian farmers were voting soon on whether to continue paying a levy to that organisation.

"If it goes, you'll never get it back. It's something we can't take lightly," he said.

Prof McNabb said the Lincoln centre had made some significant developments.

These included traceability technology for wool, which was being commercialised by Elders Primary Wool, and a new fabric that kept out the cold and wind, and was water resistant, but still breathed, so the wearer did not sweat.

Clothes made from the fabric should be on sale in about two years.

AgResearch was also commercialising an environmentally friendly insecticide for carpets, which improved the spread of dye, thereby reducing the amount of chemicals needed.

It has also developed a chemical treatment which increased wool bulk by 70%.

Prof McNabb was also bullish about prospects for food research, saying the newly formed Food Innovation Network of New Zealand (Finz) should assist small food companies commercialise new products.

AgResearch was also working closely with Fonterra on new products, including infant formula made from cow's milk, which populated the stomachs of infants with key bacteria.

Another joint project was developing a dairy protein product that aided muscle recovery in elderly people.


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