Black stilts to be released in the wild

Forty-three black stilts (kaki) will be released into the wild near Lake Tekapo on Wednesday.

The birds have been reared in captivity, at a breeding centre in Twizel and at Peacock Springs in Christchurch since November last year.

They are now ready to be released in the Mackenzie Basin.

The black stilt recovery programme was instigated in the early 1980s when it was discovered only 23 of the rare wading birds were left in the world.

The 43 birds will be released at one of the initial sites identified for boosting black stilt numbers.

Funding to fence and maintain the area was provided by the South Canterbury Forest and Bird Society.

To celebrate Forest and Bird's involvement with the black stilts - and the 50th anniversary of the South Canterbury branch - 18 representatives will help release the birds in the wetland area.


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