Slip engulfs vehicles near Rotorua

Drivers and a passenger were lucky to escape with minor injuries after a slip engulfed two vehicles near Rotorua this morning.

The slip happened about 8.30am on State Highway 36 between Tauranga and Rotorua, about 20km northeast of Rotorua.

The road has been closed while engineers checked for further dangers of slips, Senior Sergeant Denton Grimes of Rotorua said.

At the time of the slip there were four vehicles in the near vicinity.

Large rocks and boulders engulfed two of them, burying one vehicle, and forcing the other off the road, down a bank toward a river.

The driver of the vehicle forced off the road suffered minor injuries, while the passenger and driver of the other vehicle also suffered minor injuries.

They were all taken to Rotorua Hospital for checks before being released.


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