Waitaki MP's travel bill biggest in class

Jacqui Dean
Jacqui Dean
WaitakI MP Jacqui Dean was the South's top-spending electorate MP, fitting for someone with an electorate that stretches from Wanaka to Geraldine and takes in much of coastal Otago.

Waitaki has the third-largest land area of all general electorates.

Mrs Dean spent a total of $53,505 in the six months ended June 30, according to figures released yesterday by Speaker Lockwood Smith.

Included in Mrs Dean's expenditure were air travel costs of $21,547, surface travel of $18,314, Wellington accommodation expenses of $11,667 and out-of-Wellington accommodation expenses of $1978.

However, Clutha-Southland MP Bill English's expenses of being an electorate MP as well as Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister put him at the top of the southern list of expenditure and well up the all-comers list.

As an electorate MP, Mr English spent a total of $14,573, with $13,422 on air travel being the main contributor.

As a Cabinet minister, he spent a total of $144,412, including $91,045 on surface travel, $26,770 on domestic air travel, and $23,763 on ministerial Wellington accommodation.

Most of the other southern MPs spent about the same.

Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei spent a total of $49,762, with another $8430 allocated by the Office of the Clerk.

Ms Turei spent $29,228 on air travel and $11,822 on surface travel.

Rangitata MP Jo Goodhew spent a total of $45,450, including $17,013 on air travel and $14,899 spent on surface travel expenses.

Dunedin South MP Clare Curran spent a total of $41,094, with $1666 allocated by the Clerk.

Invercargill MP Eric Roy spent a total of $41,045, including $24,286 on air travel. A further $8523 was allocated by the Clerk.

Dunedin North MP Pete Hodgson spent $39,425, with $20,153 being spent on air travel.

National Party list MP Michael Woodhouse spent $33,510, with a further $6353 being allocated by the Clerk.

Labour Party list MP David Parker spent a total of $30,123.

• Understanding the expenses
Wellington accommodation:

Reimbursement of the cost of staying in Wellington for members who normally live elsewhere. Includes rent and interest on mortgage.

Non-Wellington accommodation: Hotel reimbursement or daily allowance outside Wellington.

Air travel: Domestic and international flights. Travel expenses for an MP include travel expenses paid for their spouse or partner and dependent children.

Surface travel: Taxis, rental vehicles, ferries, trains, mileage claims and depreciation on self-drive vehicles.

Office of the Clerk: Inter-parliamentary travel - airfares, departure taxes and accommodation for an MP and accompanying spouse or partner (where they have a representational role) while participating in the official inter-parliamentary travel programme.

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