Heavenly Burlesque perform at the Otago Musuem Reserve at the opening of the Dunedin Fringe. Photo by Craig Baxter.
Footnote Dance Company in the upper Octagon (from left) Erynne Gleeson, Hannah Elks, Jeremy Poi, Anita Hunziker, Jesse Wikiriwhi and Sarah Knox. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Haunted Love's Rainy McMaster and Geva Downey at the Fringe Lounge marquee in the Otago Museum Reserve. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Director of the Fringe festival, Paul Smith and fire performer Logan Elliott. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Contortionist Petunia Pink folds herself in to and out of a perspex box. Photos by Gerard O'Brien.
Installation under the Cumberland Street Overbridge at Jetty St. Photo by Nigel Benson.
Christopher Meech and Barry the snail taking time out from the Fringe. Photo by Jane Dawber.