Flash idea from enterprising pupils

Team Yellow Lizard is (from left) Campbell Young, Mark Currie, Gregory Bishop, Regan McEntyre and...
Team Yellow Lizard is (from left) Campbell Young, Mark Currie, Gregory Bishop, Regan McEntyre and Ben Higgins. Photo by Linda Robertson.
Kavanagh College's Young Enterprise Scheme team has come up with a flash idea for the 2009 competition, one that prospective pupils visiting the school tonight will receive in their hands.

The Yellow Lizard team of Ben Higgins (17), Campbell Young (16), Mark Currie (16), Gregory Bishop (16) and Regan McEntyre (16) have customised USB flashdrives for individual businesses.

However, tonight, prospective Kavanagh pupils at the open night will be given a flashdrive containing a promotional video of the college.

Ben told the Otago Daily Times the team had worked hard to develop a product that filled a niche in the market.

"It has got a lot of people excited. We can adapt the idea for other businesses, providing a website link and information about the business on the customised flashdrives. People are thinking that this is a great idea."

For a real estate agent, that could include listings, various windows and buttons to view properties and website links, he said.

Interest in the product had come from local businesses as well as from someone in Christchurch.

The flashdrives come in up to three-colour designs with a laser-engraved logo.

The team had to deal with an Australian company and one in Hong Kong during the process of sourcing and engraving the flashdrives.

Dealing internationally had caused some sleep loss, Ben said.

The team created and loaded all data themselves.

Teacher Jill Armstrong-Sagvari oversaw the team and former Kavanagh pupil Tim Oliver was the team's business mentor.

The website is: www.yellowlizard.co.nz.

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