Curlers get another call to bonspiel

Central Otago curlers will barely have thawed out from the last bonspiel before heading to this week's one - on the Idaburn Dam.

About 130 curlers from 16 Idaburn Curling Council clubs have been called to a one-day bonspiel tomorrow on the Idaburn dam, near Oturehua.

The Wilson Cup will be at stake for the first time in about six years.

On Friday, curlers from six clubs competed for the Wilson Rosebowl trophy at Manorburn Dam, near Alexandra.

New Zealand Curling Association and Idaburn Curling Council ice master Stewart McKnight has been keeping tabs on the depth of natural ice on the Idaburn.

It measured 14cm yesterday, so clubs were given 36 hours' notice of the bonspiel.

The event will involve mostly Central Otago clubs.

Alexandra is the defending champion.

Mr McKnight was hopeful the series of hard frosts might soon result in a two-day national bonspiel being called at Idaburn, involving clubs from all around the country, for the first time in two years.

"We'll have to see how it goes on Tuesday, but it's certainly something we'll be looking at in the next week or two if this cold weather keeps up and the ice stays good," Mr McKnight said.


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