Waitaki hearing to begin on Monday

Jon Jackson
Jon Jackson
Three commissioners will sit with Judge Jon Jackson from Monday, to hear an Environment Court appeal against the Meridian Energy Ltd proposed north bank tunnel concept power scheme on the lower Waitaki River.

The court has set aside five weeks for the hearing, although that is probably not needed because four of the five appellants are either not opposing the scheme or have withdrawn their appeals.

Two weeks have been set aside in Oamaru, then up to three weeks in Christchurch starting from July 6.

Joining Judge Jackson are commissioners Dr Alex Sutherland and Helen Beaumont and deputy commissioner Ken Fletcher.

Dr Sutherland is a civil engineer, being involved with the Otago, Canterbury and Auckland Universities.

He was Canterbury University's dean of engineering from 1987 until 2005.

Ms Beaumont's professional background is in environmental chemistry, her research focusing on environmental health and the connections between the quality of the environment and human wellbeing.

From 2000 to 2007, she was assistant parliamentary commissioner for the environment.

Mr Fletcher's background is in economics, including working for Statistics NZ, with a lifelong interest in rural issues.

The hearing is against a decision by Environment Canterbury (ECan) in December last year to issue four water-only resource consents for the Meridian north bank tunnel concept power scheme on the lower Waitaki River between the Waitaki dam and Stonewall.

The remaining appeal to be heard is that lodged by the Lower Waitaki River Management Society.

Interested parties have also registered to be part of the process.

North bank tunnel scheme hearing

State of play:

> The Meridian Energy Ltd $900 million north bank tunnel concept power scheme is to take up to 260cumecs of water from Lake Waitaki into a 34km-long tunnel between the Waitaki dam and Stonewall, with one powerhouse generating between 1100GWh and 1400GWh a year.

> Environment Canterbury (Ecan) granted four water-only resource consents in December for the power scheme.

> Five appeals were filed with the Environment Court by the Waitaki Protection Trust, the Lower Waitaki River Management Society, Ngai Tahu, Ngati-Mamoe Fishers People and Black Point farmer Garth Dovey.

> Ngai Tahu and its runanga, Mr Dovey and Ngati-Mamoe Fishers People are withdrawing appeals.

> Waitaki Protection Trust will now not oppose scheme.

> Lower Waitaki River Management Society only appeal left.

> Interested parties: Central South Island Fish and Game Council, Waitaki First, Lower Waitaki Irrigation Company, North Otago Irrigation Company, Maerewhenua District Water Resources Company, Kokoamo Farm Ltd, K and D Farms Ltd, Wainui Station, Dugald MacTavish.

> Environment Court hearing set down for June 22 to July 3 in Oamaru; July 6 to 17 in Christchurch; with a fifth week from July 20 if needed.


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