Royal choice easy for singer

Former Otago Daily Times Aria Competition winner Stephen Chambers has won a scholarship to study...
Former Otago Daily Times Aria Competition winner Stephen Chambers has won a scholarship to study at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. Photo by Jane Dawber.
For some opera singers, the choice between studying at the Royal College of Music in London and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow would be a hard one.

But not for Dunedin tenor Stephen Chambers.

The 26-year-old former University of Otago performance voice student and 2005 Otago Daily Times Aria Competition winner was accepted to study opera at both prestigious institutions recently, but said making the decision was simple.

It was the $49,000 Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music Scholarship offered by the Scottish academy which lured him there. The one-year scholarship was the only one awarded in New Zealand each year and would cover his course fees and living expenses for 12 months, he said.

"That kind of money made my decision very easy - it made it for me."

But another significant factor in his decision was his family tree, the roots of which stretch all the way back to Glasgow, Scotland, he said.

"I have a lot of family all around Glasgow. My grandmother lives there. I'll probably stay with her until I get settled in."

Mr Chambers said his first semester would begin in September this year and he was looking forward to working with prominent vocal tutor Stephen Robertson.

"I'm absolutely stoked. I feel really lucky. But at the same time, I feel like I've put a lot of work in and finally the fruits of my labour are starting to ripen."

Although the scholarship lasted for one year, Mr Chambers hoped it could be extended into a second year of study. After that, he planned to audition for roles in European opera companies.

• A farewell concert for Mr Chambers will be held at the Glenroy Auditorium, in Dunedin, on August 8 and will include guest artist soprano Anna Leese.



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