He was clutching what appeared to be a red lunchbox and was surrounded by supporters.
He squeezed past a scrum of reporters, ducking questions but expressing thanks to people who called out words of support as he approached the court building.
Inside the courthouse, 60 people filled the upstairs gallery of High Court 1, set aside for the public. A further 80 packed a temporary public gallery set up in a waiting room outside the courtroom.
The odd whisper was drowned out by the judge's voice booming from two televisions providing live coverage of the goings-on inside.
On the courtroom floor, the court registrar provided a moment's distraction by gesticulating to a member of the public sitting upstairs who appeared to have forgotten to remove their sunglasses.
Downstairs, the resident 20 media representatives had swelled to more than 30, jostling each other and supporter Joe Karam's family, for a space; those committed for three months winning out over the "johnny-come-latelys" who arrived for the final week.
On his way out of the court, David Bain smiled for the cameras as he squeezed past the waiting reporters.