Turei 'confident' of co-leadership

Metiria Turei
Metiria Turei
Dunedin-based Green list MP Metiria Turei is "quietly confident" she will be named the party's new female co-leader at its conference in the city this weekend.

Ms Turei and Sue Bradford are the two nominees to replace co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimmons, who has been in the role since the party's beginnings in 1995.

The new leader will join male co-leader Russel Norman.

The party's annual conference is to be held at Balmacewen Intermediate School, Dunedin, from tomorrow until Sunday.

Ms Turei said she and Ms Bradford had held about 16 meetings with party members throughout New Zealand since Ms Fitzsimmons' announcement, in February, that she would stand down in June.

"I really want this opportunity, and I really hope the party allows me to take the opportunity," Ms Turei said.

Ms Bradford, although not quite admitting defeat, said yesterday, "Metiria has always been the most likely candidate.

"It has been a pretty fair race.

"I think it will be down to the wire."

Ms Turei said the Green Party was unique in that it allowed every member to vote on who should be their new co-leader.

This meant you could not feel "bitter" about losing, she said. "I don't think the party is going to make a bad decision."

Leadership in the Greens was also different, Ms Turei said.

It was not about being the best.

It was about being the best facilitator.

Ms Turei said if she were elected she would be looking at how to deal with the party's growth.

"We have grown in the number of MPs, votes and overall support," she said.

Both women agreed the challenge was to continue to increase the party's vote, and to be accessible to a broader range of people.

The party has nine members in Parliament at present, all chosen from the list.

The Greens have developed "understandings" with the National Government, including about home insulation and the national cycleway.

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