The promise came yesterday from Finance Minister Bill English during a visit to Dunedin, at the same time as Dunedin Mayor Peter Chin discussed the funding with Minister for the Rugby World Cup Murray McCully.
When the contribution was first announced earlier this year, the Government said it would "in principle" underwrite up to $15 million of the stadium costs.
But whether the underwriting merely meant the Government would provide money if it could not be raised by the Carisbrook Stadium Trust was unknown.
When Mr Chin was asked about the matter last week, he said he was still discussing the issue with the Government.
Mr English's comments yesterday appear to make it clear the money will come to Dunedin if the stadium goes ahead.
He said the decision on whether to proceed with the stadium was up to the Dunedin City Council, not the Government.
However, the Government was supporting the stadium project up to $15 million.
Mr Chin would not give details of his discussion with Mr McCully, other than to say he was expecting a communication from the Minister with a formal record of the meeting.
Asked if that would come by April 20, when the council is scheduled to decide on signing a binding contract for construction of the stadium, he said: "That would be my expectation."
A spokesman for Mr McCully said he was not aware of any developments from the meeting.