Volunteers needed

In times of need: Victim Support Service co-ordinator Chiquita Holden is letting people know...
In times of need: Victim Support Service co-ordinator Chiquita Holden is letting people know about the urgent need for more volunteers. Photo by Bruce Munro.
Dunedin's ‘stretched' Victim Support Service is calling for help

More volunteers, especially men, are needed to help Dunedin victims of crime.
Dunedin Victim Support Service co-ordinator Chiquita Holden is extremely proud of the work done by her team of volunteers.

In the six months to the end of February they offered care, information and a listening ear to 1224 Dunedin victims of crime, half of whom were male.

But, because the team has shrunk in recent months, the existing 25 members are having to do more frequent 12-hour shifts, following up on everything from graffitied walls to assaults to homicides, in order to ensure Victim Support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

‘‘We could definitely do with more people - perhaps another 16,'' Miss Holden said.
‘‘It would give the team more of a break. They've really been stretched.
‘‘A lot of the volunteers work full-time as well and have family commitments, too.''
And Miss Holden is particularly calling men to step forward.

‘‘We only have a couple of male volunteers, but crime doesn't discriminate. It would be great to have some more males to help, for instance, with male victims of assault.''

Victims of all crimes are offered support which ranges from a phone call, or a letter, to visits and referrals to other agencies.
‘‘It can be anything from a one-off contact to being involved for a couple of years,'' she said.

‘‘People can feel quite lost when they are in a new situation, including being a victim of crime.
‘‘We tend to be needed most when they don't have others to help them.

‘‘Our vision is to support victims to be in control to restore their own lives.''

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